General Conditions

This website is owned by hooox nv

Contact details:
Address of registered office: Dendermondsesteenweg 48 - 9000 Ghent
Telephone: +32 (0)9 334 68 44
Company number: BTW BE 0880 045 762
Version: 1.0
Last amended: 16/05/2018

General terms and conditions

We are aware of the fact that you have trust in us, which is why we believe it is our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page we inform you what data we collect when you use our website, why we collect that data and how we use it to enhance your user experience, allowing you to see exactly how we work.

This privacy policy is applicable to the services offered by hooox. Please be aware that hooox is not liable for the privacy policies of other websites and sources. By accessing and using this website you are indicating and declaring that you explicitly consent to the following general terms and conditions.

Hooox respects the privacy of all its website’s users and ensures that the personal information you provide to us is treated confidentially.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website, including the brands, logos, drawings, product or company names, texts, images, etc, are protected by intellectual property rights and belong to hooox or to rightful third parties.

Limitation of liability

The information contained in this website is of a general nature. This information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances, so cannot be deemed to be personal, professional or legal advice for the user.

Hooox makes every effort to ensure that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate and updated. Despite these efforts, errors can occur in the information made available. Should the provided information contain errors or if certain information is unavailable on this site or through this site, hooox shall make every effort to rectify the situation.

Hooox can however not be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the information available on this site.

Should you find inaccuracies in the information available through this website, you can contact us at any time at

The content of this website (including the links) can be updated, amended or supplemented at any time without prior notice. Hooox does not guarantee that the website shall function properly and can in no sense be held liable for its poor functioning or the temporary (un)availability of the website or for any form of damage, whether direct or indirect, arising from accessing or using the website.

Links to other websites

Hooox can under no circumstances be held liable towards any party, whether in a direct, indirect, special or other manner, for damage attributable to the use of this website or of any other site, in particular through links or hyperlinks, including, without limitation, any loss of, work interruption or damage to software or other data on the computer system or to the hardware, software or other property of the user.

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites or third-party pages, or refer to these indirectly. The inclusion of links to these websites or pages does not in any way imply an implicit approval of their content.

Hooox expressly declares that it has no control over the content of or over other characteristics of these websites and can under no circumstances be held liable for the content or the characteristics thereof or for any other form of damage caused by the use thereof.

Site access denial

We reserve the right to unilaterally deny access to the entire website or a part thereof to any natural person or legal entity:

  • that contravenes these terms and conditions of use
  • that damages the good reputation of this website in any manner
  • that infringes upon the intellectual rights of third parties
  • that uses the website for illegal purposes

We moreover reserve the right to press charges against those parties.

Availability of the site

Although we endeavour to make the hooox website available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, we reserve the right to interrupt access to the website at any time and without prior notice for technical or other reasons. We likewise reserve the right to terminate our services, without us being able to be held liable for these interruptions or the possible consequences thereof for you or for a third party.


This privacy declaration is intended for the use of the website and the options available thereupon. Any amendments and/or changes to this website could lead to changes in this privacy declaration. We consequently recommend that you consult this privacy declaration on a regular basis.

Applicable law and competent courts

Belgian law is applicable to this website. In the event of any disputes, the courts of the court district of Ghent have sole jurisdiction.

Privacy policy

Hooox values your privacy. Most of the information contained on is available without requiring you to provide us with your personal data.

Should we request your data, then:

The data controller (the party responsible for processing the data), hooox NV (Dendermondsesteenweg 48/101 - 9000 Ghent) respects the Belgian Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data. The controller likewise undertakes to act in accordance with the stricter directives of the General Data Protection Regulation as of 25 May 2018.

The personal data that you provide shall be used for the following purposes: our customer management, sending out newsletters, to keep you updated on our activities, advertising or marketing purposes.

You have the statutory right to:

  • obtain information on and access to the personal data you provided;
  • have this data corrected or erased;
  • have this data transferred.

Should you wish to invoke these rights, you can contact us at:
hooox NV - Dendermondsesteenweg 48/101 - 9000 Ghent -

We will then contact you within 30 days.

In the event of the use of your data for direct marketing purposes: You can object, free of charge, to the use of your data for marketing purposes. In this respect you can contact us at any time at: hooox NV, Dendermondsesteenweg 48/101 - 9000 Ghent - We will once again contact you within 30 days.

In the event or the transmission of your data to third parties: The personal data we obtained from you could be transmitted to companies working with us or to tools that we use to process your data.

Hooox can collect anonymous or aggregate data of a non-personal nature, such as type of browser, the operating software you use or the domain name of the website you used to access or leave the hooox website. This allows us to optimise the hooox website on a permanent basis for users.

Data that you provide through the newsletter subscription form is retained by us until the data subject unsubscribes. This can be done by sending an email to or by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of every newsletter.

Data that you provide through the contact form – where the newsletter option is not included – is used by hooox to contact you and is retained for the statutory period.

You are responsible for keeping this data, which you provided, up to date. You can manually amend this data yourself through the ‘update my profile’ link that is included in all emails sent to you or you can contact us at

How we use the collected data

Use of our services

When you apply for one of our services we ask you to provide your personal data. This data is used for the purposes of performing the service. The data is stored on hooox’s secured servers or on those belonging to a third party. We shall not combine this data with other personal data that we have access to.


When you send an email or other message to us, we could retain it. Sometimes we request personal data that is relevant to the situation concerned so that we are able to process your questions and respond to your requests. The data is stored on hooox’s secured servers or on those belonging to a third party. We shall not combine this data with other personal data that we have access to.


We require your personal data:

  • to respond to your request
  • to send you newsletters,
  • to keep you informed of our activities and updates,
  • for advertising and marketing purposes.

We do not collect or use data for purposes other than those purposes stated (and to which you have consented) in this privacy policy, unless we have obtained consent in advance.

Protecting your personal data

Your other personal data is not encrypted for transmission, but we have effected privacy policy measures in order to protect your personal data that falls under our control against:

  • access to or changes made by unauthorised parties,
  • improper use or publication,
  • unlawful destruction or accidental loss.

Our staff that have access to your personal data are obliged to respect the confidential nature of the data.

We consider your personal data to be confidential information that we will never provide to third parties.

Third parties

The information is not provided to third parties. In some cases, the data you provide can be transmitted to others within the company. Our staff are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

Available options for personal data

We offer all visitors to our website the option to access, change or delete all personal data provided to us at that time.

Changing/unsubscribing from the newsletter service

At the bottom of every newsletter there is the option to change your information or to unsubscribe.

Changing/unsubscribing from communications

If you wish to change your data or remove yourself from our files, please contact us. See the above contact details.


We collect cookies for research purposes so that we develop a better understanding of our clientele and tailor our services accordingly. This website uses cookies (small text files stored on your computer) so that the website can analyse how the site is used by visitors. The information generated by the cookie on how you use the website can be sent to hooox’s secured servers or those of a third party. We use this information to monitor how the website is used, to compile reports on website activity and to offer other services in respect of website activity and internet usage.

Further information is available in our cookie policy.

Switching off cookies

Most browsers are set to standardly accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse cookies or to inform you when a cookie is sent. However, when you switch off cookies in your browser, some functions and services could no longer work properly, both on our website and on other websites.